
This bot is under development and will have some issues, if it causes any problems please look on this page, if that does not help please join the support server

You can use Codsworth by c/ or a @mention

Codsworth Commands

  • Now Playing (c/np)

  • Queue system (c/queue, c/q)

  • Loop / Repeat (c/loop)

  • Shuffle (c/shuffle)

  • Volume control (c/volume, c/v)

  • Lyircs (c/lyrics, c/ly)

  • Pause (c/pause)

  • Resume (c/resume, c/r)

  • Skip (c/skip, c/s)

  • Skip to song # in queue (c/skipto, c/st)

  • Toggle pruning of bot messages (c/pruning)

  • Info About Codsworth (c/about, c/ab)

  • Shows Bots Ping (c/ping)

  • Shows Bots Uptime (c/uptime)

  • Move songs around in the queue (c/move, c/mv)

  • Help (c/help, c/h)

Development Server